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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Being Conscious Of Not Being Happy

When something is Not As It Should Be, we're Not Happy because there's something that we want to add or subtract from the moment.

For example, we're not happy with our meal because there's a fly in our drink. We'd like to subtract the fly or the drink from the moment we're having.

In being conscious of Not Being Happy, we can now take appropriate action to resolve it.

First we have to accept that this Is As It Should Be. There's nothing we can do to prevent the fly from flying into our drink or magically making this moment not happen. The moment has already come and passed so this moment is already As It Should Be.

By reestablishing our stance that Everything Is As It Should Be, we don't avoid, suppress or ignore what we're feeling. And what we're feeling is that the drink we have is bothering us and it's bothering us because there's a fly in it. By knowing what is bothering us and why, we can now take appropriate action to resolve it.

Being conscious of Not Being Happy, is knowing the What and the Why of what's making us Not Happy. And this is an important part of learning to Be Happy.

It's normal in Life to be bothered by things. And these things can cause us to Not Be Happy. So in learning to Be Happy, we have to start recognizing and being conscious of when we're not.

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