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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Changing Our Beliefs

Some of us have this impression that we can't change our beliefs. And it's true that some of them are hard to change but changeable none the less. But for the majority of our beliefs, we change them from one set to another without even being aware that we're doing it.

For example, when we're talking with our friends we're using a particular set of beliefs. Some of these are the way we believe we should behave, how we believe we should talk and what we believe we can tell them. But when we're talking with our co-workers, our parents or a drive-thru worker these beliefs automatically change.

Our beliefs allow us to make sense of our environment and part of that is creating beliefs which tell us what we can and cannot do. So when we change our social environment, we automatically change the set of beliefs we're using to match what we believe is socially acceptable.

Our beliefs aren't as rigid as we believe them to be. We switch them in and out as easily as putting on and taking off our socks. And that's how we should view all of them.

The beliefs we hold are like the clothes we wear. We can take them on and off when we want and we can choose to wear casual, formal, a track suit or armored plating. But if we believe we can't change them, then what we're wearing is a prison uniform.

We can believe anything we want that choice is solely up to us. But if we belief we can't change our beliefs then it's time to change those socks.

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