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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Choosing Our Beliefs

When we start building a jigsaw puzzle, the first thing most of us do is separate out the pieces. We might organize them by color, by shape or take out the edges first but each piece we separate out is a choice we're making to believe they belong in one group and not the other.

We might not be right but we're choosing to believe that we are since we can always change our mind later. By organizing our pieces into groups, it makes it easier for us to put the puzzle together.

What we're doing with the puzzle is what we do in Life. And it demonstrates one of the ways we use Belief to making sense of it.

For example, we separate all the people we encounter into groups base on if we believe they're a threat or not. If we initially believed they were a threat but later on change our mind, we simply change what we believe and put them in a different group.

Our beliefs are how we make sense of Life. They help us simplify our complex world by helping us organize what we're experiencing. So having beliefs are a good thing.

But most of the beliefs we have aren't beliefs we've chosen ourselves but beliefs we've been taught and accepted when we were young. If we don't know what we believe and why we believe them, then naturally Life will sometimes make no sense.

For us to start making sense of this puzzle called Life, we have to first know and then choose the beliefs that will serve us.

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