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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Conscious Action

For us to take conscious action we have to know what action we're taking and why we're taking it. But it's not that simple.

Often times, there are deeper reasons for why we do the things we do. And how deeply we know these reasons determines how conscious we are of our actions.

For example, what we're doing is cooking macaroni and cheese for dinner and why we're doing it is because we're craving something with cheese. So we're conscious of the action we're taking because we know the What and the Why.

But what we don't know is that we're cooking macaroni and cheese because it reminds of a time when we felt connected to our family. And we unconsciously cook meals from that time whenever we feel homesick.

So even though we know the surface reason for why we're cooking macaroni and cheese, it doesn't necessarily mean we're conscious of all the reasons why. We might believe we know why we do the things we do but be completely blind to the deeper reasons why we do them.

It's up to us to decide how conscious we want to be with our actions. If we only want to have a surface understanding of why we do things, that's okay. Sometimes a yawn is just a yawn.

But if we're curios to find out why we do the things we do or wonder why we do certain things at all, then understanding these deeper hidden reasons is where we should look.

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