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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Guiding Our Life

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

A hiker looking out over a vast canyon, symbolizing the exploration and guidance of our life journey through understanding the interplay between feelings and choices, as discussed in our 'Guiding Our Life' blog post.

Regardless of whether we know what we're feeling or why we're feeling them, when we feel something or we don't feel what we're looking for, we make a choice. And, whether it's an action we decide to take or because we've gone into reaction, that choice gives rise to another set of feelings.

This Cycle of Feeling and Choice repeats throughout our life.

But if we pay attention to the interaction between our feelings and our choices, we'll notice our feelings influence our choices and our choices influence our feelings.

For example, we feel anxious about meeting new people so we choose to not socialize; our feelings are influencing our choices. By choosing to not socialize, it makes us more anxious in meeting new people; our choices are influencing our feelings.

In understanding how our feelings and our choices influence each other, we can take advantage of this interaction.

So if we want to feel more joy in our life, we can pay attention to the choices we make and how they make us feel. If they bring us joy, we can start make more of these types of choices. If our choices don't bring us joy, we can decide if those types of choices are necessary in our life.

In becoming sensitive to the interactions between our feelings and our choices, we can use our feelings to guide our choices and our choices to guide our feelings. And, as we become more skilled at this, we can use it to guide our life.

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