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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Happiness: A Universal Vibration

When we feel happy, we feel that Everything Is As It Should Be. And when we feel this what we're doing is we're aligning to a Universal vibration.

If we believe some high power created the Universe, then they had an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of power to create it however they wanted it to be. It was completely up to them when and how they would do it. But at some instant, this higher power felt that there wasn't anything else that need to be added or subtracted from it. So with this vibration of Everything Is As It Should Be the Universe was created.

Or if we believe the Universe was created by chance, then by chance everything that we needed to create it was there. There was nothing more we need to add or subtract from it for our Universe to be created. Again, everything was as it should be.

However we believe the Universe was created, the necessary condition was that there wasn't a need to add or subtract any more from it for it to be created. Everything was as it should be because of it wasn't we wouldn't be here.

When we feel that Everything Is As It Should Be. Everything means everything from the hairs on our eyebrow to the Universe above.

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