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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Sensations To Feelings

A person outside, capturing snowflakes as they gently fall, symbolizing the delicate process of sensations transforming into feelings, as discussed in the 'Sensations To Feelings' blog post.

Before we feel our feelings they start off as sensation. And these sensations are generated when signals from our external or internal world are received by our sense nodes.

Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin provide us with the sense of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, respectively. These sense nodes receive signals from the external world allowing us to sense things that are happening outside of us.

Our body sense node and our heart sense node provide us with the sense of body and the sense of emotion, respectively. Our body sense node allows us to sense our physical state of being and our heart sense node allows us to sense our emotional state of being. Both of them allow us to receive signals from our internal world allowing us to sense things that are happening inside of us.

When these signals are received by our sense nodes, they're converted into sensations. And only after these sensations are identified and interpreted are they converted into feelings.

This conversion from sensations to feelings are why two people can sense the same thing but react differently.

For example, two people see the same spider but one screams and runs away and the other one doesn't care at all. They are sensing the same thing but their sensations are being converted into different feelings.

Or two people are starting to feel frustrated because the machine they're working on keeps breaking down, one eventually converts this frustration into a feeling of powerlessness and goes into a rage while the other one converts it into feeling challenged and becomes more focused.

Our feelings start off as sensations and how we identify and interpret them determines what we feel.

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