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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Understanding Our Life

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Back view of a businessman looking at city buildings, symbolizing the contemplation of life's complexities through the cycle of feelings and choices, a theme explored in our 'Understanding Our Life' blog post.

We are in a constant Cycle of Feeling and Choice. In understanding this, we can use this cycle to understand our life.

For example, if we've been feeling overworked the past few months but we were assigned another project, instead of telling our manager how we felt, we choose to just accepted it.

In making this choice, our feelings of stress increased which caused us to argue with our coworkers making our day even more stressful. By the time got to go home, we felt miserable and glad the day was over.

By looking back at the feelings we had and the choices we made that day, we can find where our day change from a standard workday into a very stressful one.

Another example is if our partner broke an important promise. But instead of letting our partner know how hurt we were, we choose to silently mistrust them. And every time another promise was broken, we allowed our mistrust to silently grow. Eventually we couldn't trust our partner at all causing our relationship to end.

If we look back at all of our relationships, we might see a pattern where we felt mistrust but never openly talked about it with our partner. And because we choose to allow our mistrust to grow, eventually our relationships ended.

Everything we've experienced, currently experiencing and will experience in life are caused by our feelings and our choices.

In understanding what our feelings are and why we're having them and understanding the choices we make and why we make them, we can understand our life.

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