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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

Unpleasant Feelings Are Important

Updated: May 17, 2023

It's natural for us to want to avoid unpleasant feelings. They're unpleasant after all. But the solution isn't to avoid, suppress or ignore them but to understand the reasons behind what's causing them. They're the symptoms of the problem and not the problem themselves.

Unpleasant feelings serve as signals to tell us when something is affecting our well-being. They're there to give us a general idea of what might be causing them. They're unpleasant to make them difficult to ignore and their level of unpleasantness represent the level of urgency in which we should respond.

So when we're feeling irritated, it means that something is bothering us and the feeling of a cut is painful so we don't ignore the fact that we've been hurt.

Our feelings are what we use to help us maintain our external and internal well-being. When they're unpleasant, they generally mean that something is unwell. In those cases, we should self-reflect to find out why and see if we need to practice self-care.

Though we might not like unpleasant feelings, they serve an important and necessary function. They shouldn't be avoided, suppressed or ignored but paid attention to and, if necessary, resolved.

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