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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

We Are Responsible For Our Life

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

A mother holding her newborn child, embodying the personal responsibility we hold for our life choices and feelings, as explored in our blog post 'We Are Responsible For Our Life'.

Life is Feeling and Choice so our life is our feelings and our choices. And through this perspective we take full responsibility for our life.

This doesn't mean we don't take into consideration the feelings and choices of other people. But ultimately, it's our feelings that lead us into making our choices and it's our choices that lead to our feelings so no one else is to blame.

For example, our mom becomes sick and we feel it's our duty to take care of her. And because of this sense of duty, we choose to put our life on hold. Unfortunately our life has been on hold for more than two years now with no end in sight. So now we're starting to resent our mom and blame her for the life we're living.

But it's not our mom's fault. It was our feelings and our choices that has lead us to this life. Even if our mom pressured us through guilt to take care of her. It was still our guilt and our choices. We could of felt it was unreasonable for us to take care of her so wouldn't have felt guilty and forced into making a choice we didn't want. Or we could have felt guilty but still choose to hire a nurse to take care of her instead.

Our life is made up of our feelings and our choices. If we choose to put the feelings of others in front of ours, we're the one making that choice. Or if we feel we should limit our choices to give others more choice, we're the one feeling that way.

We're responsible for our life because it's our feelings and our choices that direct it.

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