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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

What Are Choices?

Person sitting at a bar, wearing a 'Choose Love' t-shirt, symbolizing the choices we make, as discussed in the 'What Are Choices?' blog post.

Choices are Commitments to Action.

When we choose to do something, it's not a thought, hope, wish or dream. It's a commitment to ourselves to take action. And these choices can be long-term or short-term commitments or anything in between.

For example, if we choose to become a doctor we need to commit to doing all the things that will allow us to become one. We need to go to school, take the right classes, spend time studying and everything else we're required to do. We need to make long-term Commitments to Action to achieve our choice.

But if we don't study and only hangout with our friends, then we only want to become one. It's not a choice we're making because our Commitments to Action aren't there.

Or if we choose to go to the store to buy ice cream, our Commitments to Action require us to go to the store, get one out of the freezer, bring it to the counter and buy it. But if we buy candy instead, what we chose to do was buy candy since that was the action we committed.

Our choices are only choices if we commit actions to achieve them. Without our willingness to commit ourselves to those actions, we're not making a choice.

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