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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

What Are Feelings?

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

A girl covering her face with her hands, signifying the diverse range and sometimes overwhelming nature of feelings, as discussed in our 'What Are Feelings?' blog post.

Feelings are benevolent signals.

Signals because they're only conveying information and benevolent because this information is only for our benefit.

Just like receiving email, our feelings can be short and brief or long and complex. They can be important messages we can't ignore or messages directly put into our spam folder. They can be pleasant or unpleasant and many other thing.

Our feelings inform us of what's happening around us and inside of us. They also tell us the state of our external and internal well-being. So we might not necessarily like what we're feeling but that's not their fault. They're only the messenger and not the source of the message.

For example, if we're feeling cold, it's not the feeling that's making us cold but the weather or situation we're in. And if we're angry, it's not the feeling that's making us angry, but someone or something that's causing us to be angry.

Our feelings are benevolent signals. And regardless of whether we like what we're feeling or not, they are only there for our benefit.

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