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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

What is Consciousness?

When we talk about our consciousness, it can refer to our consciousness to everything around us, our consciousness of who we are, or maybe our consciousness of the workings of the universe. The scope of what we're referring to when we talk about consciousness can vary from person to person.

But regardless what we're referring to, we first have to know what it means to be conscious before we can know what consciousness means. And, for this case, we'll define "being conscious" as knowing the What and the Why.

For example, if we know what we're feeling and why we're feeling it, we're conscious of that particular feeling. But, often times, there are deeper reasons for why we feeling something. And understanding these reasons is the depth of how conscious we are of that particular feeling.

Of course, we don't only have one feeling so the amount of different feelings we can identify and know why we're feeling them is the breadth of how conscious we are of all of our feelings.

So the level of our consciousness of our feelings is measured by the breadth and depth of the feelings we're conscious of.

And, if we want to know the level of our consciousness of everything around us, we measure the breadth and depth of the all things we're conscious of for that. In other words, our level of consciousness is the total amount of things that we're able to identify what they are (the breadth) and the different reasons why they're there (the depth).

Using this reasoning on how to calculate our level of consciousness, we can then define what it is.

Consciousness is the breadth of our knowledge of what things are and the depth of our knowledge of why they are that way.

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