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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is Everything Is As It Should Be.

When people describe what being happy is, some people describe it as being joyful while others describe it as feeling content. But these two feelings are almost opposite of each other. The feeling of joy is usually loud and high energy while feeling content is usually quiet and low energy. So what is it that connects these two emotions together?

The common thread is the feeling that Everything Is As It Should Be.

Whether we're feeling joy or feeling content, what we're feeling is that there is nothing that needs to be added or subtracted from this moment. We're not wishing that we didn't have to pay taxes or that we had the latest phone. We're not distracted by the things we wish we had or by the things we wish would go away. Everything at this moment is exactly as it should.

And it can happen when we have our first kiss, looking over a vista after a long hike, getting our first pay check, laughing with our friends, petting our cat or just sitting alone drinking a coffee. The moments where we feel nothing need to be add or subtracted from it are the moment of happiness.

When we're happy what we're feeling is that Everything Is As It Should Be.

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