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  • Writer's pictureFerdinand Tongson

What Is Life?

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Two hands each holding a lit sparkler against an evening sky, symbolizing the dynamic interplay between feelings and choices, a key theme in our emotional intelligence and wellness blog post.

Life is Feeling and Choice.

And let that sink in for a moment. Everything that we've done, that we're doing and that we will do is based on a feeling, a choice or a mixture of both.

Regardless of whether we're aware of our feelings or actively trying to suppress them. Or whether we make our own choices or let circumstances choose for us. We move throughout the day and throughout our Life, cycling between Feeling and Choice.

For example, when we hear the alarm in the morning but we still feel sleepy, we choose to hit the snooze button. But when we hear the alarm again and we still feel sleepy, we choose to get up because we don't want to be late. By getting up, it feels a little cold so we choose to wear a sweater. And although we feel hungry, we feel late so we choose to skip breakfast.

In Life, we are either feeling something, making a choice, or experiencing and doing both at the same time.

Even when we feel numb, we're feeling numb. Or, if we don't make a choice, we're choosing to not make one.

Life is Feeling and Choice and it's our feeling and our choices that make up our Life.

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